Screenshot of Luna Dental Studio
Featured Project

Luna Dental Studio

Full-stack CMS application built with Django and Wagtail for Luna Dental Studio org website.


Luna Dental Studio is a full-stack web application developed for my cousin's dental laboratory business in Mexicali, Mexico. Built with Python, Django, and Wagtail CMS it is a fully customized content management application designed to facilitate the creation and management of the company website.

The backend of Luna Dental Studio CMS incorporates a range of customizable page templates. Content editors have the flexibility to add, delete, update, or rearrange modular content blocks within these templates, empowering them to shape the website's layout and structure to suit their specific needs.


This is an example of the Wagtail admin interface in action. Each piece of content on the site can be edited through this interface. Wagtail offers a page preview feature that allows the site editor to preview changes before they are published live. The admin branding styles can also be customized to suit client needs.


Screenshot of Luna Dental Studio home page. It has a large image banner with a model of teeth, followed by an intro and links to various pages on the site.
Screenshot of the Lab info page. It has a header with a dental model and title, followed by an image and intro from the technician.
Screenshot of the Wagtail Admin area of Luna Dental Studio CMS. It has a sample page with various fields.


  • Full-stack
  • Application
  • CMS
  • Business Website