Screenshot of Rube Goldberg
Featured Project

Rube Goldberg

Full-stack web application and content management system for Rube Goldberg Institute (via Upswell)


Developed a comprehensive full-stack website aimed at modernizing the online presence and increasing engagement with younger audiences for the Rube Goldberg Foundation. The website provides updated information on contests, showcases contest winners, promotional materials, and an archive of original Rube Goldberg cartoons.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Designed and implemented the backend architecture using Python and Django, ensuring a robust and scalable content management system.
  • Developed dynamic and responsive front-end components with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to enhance user interaction and engagement.
  • Integrated PostgreSQL for efficient data storage and retrieval, optimizing database queries for performance.
  • Refreshed the brand image to appeal to a younger audience, incorporating modern design elements and interactive features.
  • Built and managed a content management system allowing the foundation to easily update contest announcements, winners, and promotional materials.
  • Collaborated with the foundation’s stakeholders to ensure the website met its branding and functional requirements.
  • Performed ongoing maintenance tasks and new feature requests post-launch.


  • Successfully launched the website, leading to a significant increase in online engagement and participation in contests.
  • Streamlined the process for updating content, reducing the time required to publish new information and materials.
  • Received positive feedback from stakeholders and users for the website’s modern design and enhanced functionality.

Skills Demonstrated:

  • Full Stack Development
  • Project Management
  • Collaboration and Communication
  • Problem-Solving
  • Agile Methodologies
