AWSAlpine.jsAstroBootstrapC#CSS3CloudflareDartDjangoDockerElixirElmExpress.jsFirebaseFl0FlutterFly.ioGROQHTML5JSXJavaScriptMongoDBNetlifyNext.jsNode.jsNuxt.jsPhoenixPostgreSQLPythonQwikRailwayReact.jsSQLSanitySassSemantic UIStyled ComponentsTailwind CSSTypeScriptVercelVite.jsVue.jsWagtailWebpackjQuery
CSS3 Projects
- React.js PortfolioResponsive developer portfolio built with React. Content is pulled from CMS via API.
- Exchequer⚠️Online/Offline Budget Tracker: A Vue.js-based PWA for managing expenses while traveling. Enter and track expenses offline, with automatic sync upon reconnection.
- Madlibs APIA full-stack Madlibs game app and backend REST API backend built with Django.
- Lucky Yasss⚠️Tap cards, flip them, and if "Yaaaas" appears, drink up! React.js, Vite.js, HTML5, CSS3 power this interactive web app. Perfect for parties and get-togethers. Enjoy responsibly. Cheers!
- Luna Dental StudioFull-stack CMS application built with Django and Wagtail for Luna Dental Studio org website.
- ReadMe GeneratorA command line-styled frontend application to seamlessly create a new ReadMe file for your projects. Built with Vue.js.
- Vanilla.js PortfolioDeveloper portfolio website built with Vanilla Javascript, HTML and CSS. Content is pulled from CMS via API.
- Coding QuizA game app that tests your coding knowledge. It uses JavaScript, Vite.js, HTML, and CSS. Features include a quiz interface, high scores, randomized questions, and question timer with variable score.
- Prework PortfolioMy very first coding project! Originally an about me page, I have refactored it to display a list of my latest development projects.
- Madlibz⚠️Madlibs game application built with jQuery.
- Snaptastic🚧Full-stack photo booth app built with Django and Vue.js.
- Emoji ExpressFull-stack mood tracking app using emojis built with MongoDB, Express.js, React.js and Node.js (MERN Stack).
- Alpine.js PortfolioWeb developer portfolio built with Alpine.js, HTML5, and TailwindCSS. Content is pulled from
- CopyMojiWeb app that copies emojis to the clipboard built with Vue.js
- CLOUD9Weather dashboard app that allows users to search weather by city and keep a list of saved searches for easy lookup on the go.
- Coffee RatioApp for quickly calculating your brew in the morning.
- RecipeBook⚠️An online recipe book app that allows the user to view and save their favorite recipes.
- Image SearchThe Image Search App enables users to search for images using the Unsplash API.
- Transit Arrivals🚧Info dashboard of transit arrival times of buses, trains, and other vehicles at those locations.
- Carnese Home Team🚧Real Estate Jamstack application built with Nuxt.js and
- Elixir Ipsum🚧Lorem Ipsum REST API built with Elixir and Phoenix
- Workday SchedulerThe workday-scheduler is a web app for planning and organizing workdays. Features include time blocks, event saving to local storage, current date/time display, and dynamic color coding.
- Digital PalA retro 90's digital pet game app.
- Next.js PortfolioWeb developer portfolio built with Next.js. It is a statically generated site that pulls content from at build time.
- CounterA simple counter app.