Ray Luna

Web Developer

I am a full-stack web developer with a passion for crafting content-driven websites, custom CMS solutions, and interactive front-end experiences. I prioritize intuitive design, functionality, and accessibility to create seamless and user-friendly digital experiences.

Headshot of Ray Luna standing in front of a mountain at dusk. He is wearing a tropical print shirt.
Web Maestro

Meet our developer and design enthusiast, Ray Luna!

About Me

Hi, I'm Ray! I am a Full-stack Web Developer specializing in content-driven websites, customized CMS solutions, and interactive front-end experiences. My work emphasizes design, functionality, and accessibility, ensuring that every application I build is beautiful and user-friendly. My passion for coding stems from a love of continuous learning and the challenge of mastering new technologies. I stay up-to-date with the latest trends in web development to deliver modern and effective solutions in the startup and marketing space. I earned my full-stack development certificate from the University of Oregon Coding Bootcamp. I'm based in Portland, Oregon, I enjoy camping, hiking, birdwatching, cooking, learning languages, traveling, and photography in my free time.

Featured Projects

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These are some examples of the projects I have worked on. Click view all for a complete list.

Skills and expertise

I leverage a diverse range of tools to develop interactive web applications, utilizing content management systems, the latest backend and frontend frameworks, and programming languages. My expertise spans different domains, including organizational websites, educational portals, and enterprise solutions.

  • Backend

  • Frontend

  • Languages